These are ways that we reach out to our community and the world around us through the Mission Rivers District, we support:
Our international mission partner, the El Salvador Evangelical Methodist Church. For ideas how you can be involved, see their website at
Society of St. Vincent de Paul in Fredericksburg, Virginia. For additional resources use their website at: Your interviewer may have advised you to call their assistance line at 540-898-8065. Speak clearly leaving your name, the type of assistance they have pledged and most important a phone number for a return call.
Opportunities to serve at Eastland UMC:
*Choir rehearses Tuesdays at 5:00 p.m., August - May, breaking for the summer. See the calendar for rehearsal dates.
Around the Church
*Put your maintenance skills to work at Eastland. All skill levels are welcome. You may serve as an usher, or a counter or on the hospitality committee. Speak to the pastor.
Women of Eastland
This group of dynamic women ministers to the congregation and the community. See the calendar for meeting dates.
United Methodist Men
Meetings tba.
The Food for Life Program
*Eastland’s United Methodist Men participate in the Fredericksburg Area Food Bank’s “Food for Life” Program. To qualify for the program an individual must be 60 years of age or older and income qualified based on the USDA Income Guidelines. The program no longer accepts anyone that is on SSI or SSDI and falls under the age of 60. All participants that are currently on the program will be grandfathered in. These changes will allow the FAFB to continue to use USDA foods, have access to more grants through Feeding America and be able to provide more nutritious foods along with produce and dairy. Food distribution is the third Tuesday of each month from 10:00 a.m.– 4:00 p.m. in the church office. See Frances Vaughn or Bill Todd if you have questions about the program or would like to complete an application. Questions? – call the church office 540-898-6430.
Youth and Children
Vacation Bible School
*Join us for summertime fun and learn about Jesus, too. Adult and older youth helpers are invited to join in the fun. Do you like to have fun? Vacation Bible School is a way to have fun and learn about Jesus. Teachers and all kinds of helpers with arts and crafts, snacks and music are needed. If teaching isn't your thing, you can still take part! Donations of supplies are needed.
Youth Group
*We meet on the second or third Sunday of each month for all kinds of fun events. Check the calendar and the youth page for details.